Frequently Asked Questions

Most people have questions. Do you have questions? Then this is the page for you!

We have gathered the most frequently asked questions about us as a company but also about our services.

Why should I use AiuFit?

Well, do you always find your perfect size when you shop online? Great! But for most of us this is a struggle. Humans come in all shapes and sizes, and so do clothes. Every garment is different, and trying to make sense of countless size charts can quickly turn into a real headache.

That is why we are developing this assistant. We can tell you what size is best for you, without all the hassle of buying a sweater, discovering that it doesn’t fit, returning it, getting your money back, and finally ordering another one in a different size.

As a bonus, reducing returns also reduces the environmental impact of the textile industry, which is a huge problem in the world today. If we think a little smarter, we can find solutions that benefit everyone involved.

I wish to sell my clothes, is AiuFit for me?

AiuFit can aid you in selling your used clothes. You can create a size guide for your individual garments, that will tell potential customers whether it will fit them or not.

By using AiuFit, you make your clothes more attractive. It will be easier for someone looking for clothes to buy from a seller using AiuFit. Additionally, your clothes can be listed on our Discover page, creating advertisement to all users of AiuFit. Your garment can be listed in Discover regardless of which platform you are using to sell it, whether it’s online, at a local second hand shop or an event near you!

Where can I use AiuFit?

On our Discover page on, you can see a collection of everyone selling clothes using AiuFit. You can also join them yourself by adding your garments to your wardrobe and sharing them with the world! Keep in mind, we do not provide an online shopping service on our webpage ourselves; we merely display a collection of sellers and stores who are using AiuFit to sell their clothes on different platforms.

How should I take my measurements?

We have an extensive guide on how to do your measurements here, including tips and tricks to get them absolutely right!

How does it work?

Comparing body measurements to the size charts of clothing can be inaccurate and gives little information about elasticity and feel of a garment. Our algorithm compares the measurements of the seller and takes their view and opinion into consideration to determine whether it will fit a customer or not.

The seller of a garments adds their measurements to their profile. Afterwards they add a garment and some details describing how well that garment fits them. That description can then be matched against a shoppers measurements through our algorithm to determine how well it will fit them. All this is done without sharing any information between the parts, keeping your measurements privately secured on your profile.

Who can access my information?

All your information remains private. The AiuFit algorithm can determine whether a garment fits a buyer or not, without sharing any measurements between the parties. This way you can feel comfortable adding your measurements to your profile, knowing they are for your eyes only.

In the future we will also be creating a feature where you can share a concealed version of your profile to friends or family, without sharing your exact measurements. This can allow them to buy gifts that will always fit you, while still keeping the details of your profile private.

I have a question that’s not on this page. What do I do?

Please contact us and we will try our best to answer your questions!